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Commodore BASIC  |  1987-01-01  |  4.3 KB  |  142 lines

  1. 10 dimg$(80),da$(2,5):bk$="[164]":nc=76
  2. 20 a$(1)="[154]          [206]ame:[159]"
  3. 30 a$(2)="[154][211]treet [193]ddress:[159]"
  4. 40 a$(3)="[154]          [195]ity:[159]"
  5. 50 a$(4)="[154]         [211]tate:[159]"
  6. 60 a$(5)="[154]       [218]ipcode:[159]"
  7. 70 sp=7:print"[147]"chr$(142):gosub1210:lc=0:g=0
  8. 80 print"[147]"
  9. 120 gosub280:poke646,15:poke198,.
  10. 122 ul$="[204]owercase":ifsp=.thenul$="[213]ppercase"
  11. 124 sp$="[211]ingle-[211]pace":ifg=1thensp$="[196]ouble-[211]pace"
  12. 130 print"[159]            [204]etter  [210]ight"
  13. 135 print"              [205]ain [205]enu"
  14. 140 print"     [193][146].  [154][204]etter [195]ase: [159]"ul$
  15. 150 print"     [194][146].  [154][211]pacing: [159]"sp$
  16. 160 print"     [195][146].  [154][211]ender's [206]ame & [193]ddress"
  17. 180 print"     [196][146].  [154][193]ddressee's [206]ame &[160][193]ddress"
  18. 210 print"     [197][146].  [154][194]egin typing letter"
  19. 215 print"     [198][146].  [154][209]uit"
  20. 220 print"            [195]hoose [193] - [198]:[146]            "
  21. 230 geta$:ifa$=""then230
  22. 240 a=asc(a$)-64:ifa<1ora>9then230
  23. 250 onagoto360,430,500,510,700,6000
  24. 260 return
  25. 270 :
  26. 280 print"[158]";
  27. 290 print"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]";
  28. 300 fora=1to23:print"[221]"spc(38)"[221]";:next
  29. 310 print"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]";
  30. 320 poke2023,125:poke56295,7
  31. 350 return
  32. 360 sp=sp+7:ifsp=14thensp=.
  33. 420 goto120
  34. 430 g=g+1:ifg=2theng=.
  35. 480 goto120
  36. 500 ww$="        [211]ender's [206]ame & [193]ddress":wh=1:goto515
  37. 510 ww$="     [193]ddressee's [206]ame & [193]ddress":wh=2
  38. 515 print"[147]"ww$""
  39. 520 forz=1to5:onzgosub2000,2010,2020,2030,2040
  40. 530 da$(wh,z)=a$:next
  41. 540 print"[147]"ww$"":fora=1to5:print""a"[157].[159]"da$(wh,a):next
  42. 550 print"[197]nter the number next to the item you"
  43. 560 print"want to change, or press [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] if"
  44. 570 print"everything is [207][203]."
  45. 580 print"-->"bk$"[157]";:poke198,.
  46. 590 geta$:if(a$<"1"ora$>"5")anda$<>chr$(13)then590
  47. 600 ifa$=chr$(13)then80
  48. 610 printa$"":z=val(a$):onzgosub2000,2010,2020,2030,2040
  49. 620 da$(wh,z)=a$:goto540
  50. 700 print"[129][147][212]oday's date:[158]";:gosub60500:dt$=a$
  51. 720 goto800
  52. 800 print"[147]"
  53. 810 print"     [208]osition paper to top of sheet.    "
  54. 820 print"[[211][208][193][195][197]] to continue"
  55. 822 print"[[210][197][212][213][210][206]] for main menu."
  56. 824 geta$:ifa$=""then830
  57. 826 ifa$=chr$(13)then80
  58. 828 ifa$=" "then870
  59. 830 goto824
  60. 870 print"[147][208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206][146] alone to exit."
  61. 890 open15,4,15:close15:ifst<>0then60600: rem no printer
  62. 892 open4,4,sp:lc=.
  63. 900 fort=1to10:print#4:next:lc=lc+10
  64. 910 a$=da$(1,2):gosub60000:print#4,spc(40)a$:lc=lc+1
  65. 920 ifg=1then print#4:lc=lc+1
  66. 930 a$=da$(1,3)+", "+da$(1,4)+" "+da$(1,5):gosub60000
  67. 940 print#4,spc(40)a$:lc=lc+1
  68. 950 ifg=1then print#4:lc=lc+1
  69. 960 a$=dt$:gosub60000:print#4,spc(40)a$:lc=lc+1
  70. 970 for t=1to4:print#4:next:lc=lc+1
  71. 980 a$=da$(2,1):gosub60000:print#4,a$:lc=lc+1
  72. 990 if g=1thenprint#4:lc=lc+1
  73. 1000 a$=da$(2,2):gosub60000:print#4,a$:lc=lc+1
  74. 1010 if g=1thenprint#4:lc=lc+1
  75. 1020 a$=da$(2,3)+", "+da$(2,4)+" "+da$(2,5):gosub60000
  76. 1030 print#4,a$:lc=lc+1
  77. 1040 fort=1to3:print#4:next:lc=lc+3
  78. 1050 a$="[196]ear "+da$(2,1)+",":gosub60000
  79. 1060 print#4,a$:lc=lc+1
  80. 1070 fort=1to3:print#4:next:lc=lc+4
  81. 1080 print"-->";
  82. 1090 a$="":gosub60500:gosub60000
  83. 1100 ifa$=""then1150
  84. 1110 print#4,a$:lc=lc+1
  85. 1120 ifg=1thenprint#4:lc=lc+1
  86. 1130 iflc=>56thenforx=1to18:print#4:next:lc=8
  87. 1140 goto1080
  88. 1150 print#4:print#4:print#4
  89. 1160 a$="[211]incerely,":gosub60000
  90. 1170 print#4,tab(45)a$:a$=da$(1,1):gosub60000
  91. 1180 print#4:print#4,tab(45)a$
  92. 1190 print#4:close 4
  93. 1200 goto80
  94. 1210 :
  95. 1230 rem *** title page ***
  96. 1240 :
  97. 1260 poke53280,11:poke53281,0:poke646,7
  98. 1270 print"    [146]        [146]      [146]      [146]      [146]     [223]"
  99. 1280 print"    [146]        [146]      [146]      [146]      [146]      [223]"
  100. 1290 print"    [146]      [146]       [146]      [146]     [146]     [146]    "
  101. 1300 print"    [146]       [146]      [146]      [146]      [146]       [146][169]"
  102. 1310 print"    [146]       [146]      [146]      [146]      [146]       [223]"
  103. 1320 print"    [146]      [146]       [146]      [146]     [146]      [146][223]  [223]"
  104. 1330 print"      [146]      [146]     [146]      [146]       [146]    [146] [223]  "
  105. 1340 print"      [146]      [146]     [146]      [146]       [146]    [146]  [223] "
  106. 1350 print"   [223][146]      [146]   [169]  [223][146]     [146]   [146]      [146]   [146]"
  107. 1360 print"       [223][146]     [146]  [169] [146][169][223] [223][146]    [146]   [146]     [146]    [146]"
  108. 1370 print"    [146]    [146]     [146]    [146]    [146]       [146]     [146]    [146]"
  109. 1380 print"       [146][169]     [146]    [146]    [146]       [146]     [146]    [146]"
  110. 1390 print"       [223][146]     [146]    [223][146]          [146]     [146]    [146]"
  111. 1400 print"     [146][223]  [223][146]    [146]        [146]    [146]   [146]     [146]    [146]"
  112. 1410 print"     [146] [223]  [146]    [146]  [223] [146]    [146]    [146]   [146]     [146]  "
  113. 1420 print"     [146]  [223] [146]    [146]   [223]  [146][169] [146]    [146]   [146]     [146]   [209]"
  114. 1430 print"      v2.5 1986 by kenny lawson "
  115. 1440 print"            press any key":poke198,.:wait 198,1
  116. 1450 return
  117. 2000 printa$(1);:gosub60500:return
  118. 2010 printa$(2);:gosub60500:return
  119. 2020 printa$(3);:gosub60500:return
  120. 2030 printa$(4);:gosub60500:return
  121. 2040 printa$(5);:gosub60500:return
  122. 6000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
  123. 6010 print"[147]";:ifer<>63thenend
  124. 6020 load"hello connect",8
  125. 60000 if(sp)thenreturn
  126. 60003 fora=1tolen(a$):g$(a)=mid$(a$,a,1)
  127. 60010 if(g$(a)<"[193]"org$(a)>"[218]")then60030
  128. 60020 g$(a)=chr$(asc(g$(a))-128)
  129. 60030 next:a$=""
  130. 60040 forb=1toa-1:a$=a$+g$(b):next:return
  131. 60500 printbk$;:fora=1tonc:g$(a)=""
  132. 60510 geta$:ifa$=""then60510
  133. 60512 if(a$>="[193]"anda$<="[218]")ora$="[160]"then60530
  134. 60513 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":goto60540
  135. 60516 ifa$=chr$(20)anda>1thena=a-1:print"[157][157]  [157][157]"bk$;:g$(a)="":goto60510
  136. 60520 ifa$<" "ora$>chr$(127)then60510
  137. 60530 print"[157]"a$;:poke212,.:printbk$;:g$(a)=a$:next
  138. 60540 a$="":forb=1toa-1:a$=a$+g$(b):next:return
  139. 60600 rem no printer
  140. 60610 print"[147]"spc(10)"[206]o printer [207]n-[204]ine..."
  141. 60620 fordl=1to3000:next:goto120